Our Projects
Below are some of the projects we have completed. Some our local and a couple are international. Projects are undertaken to support Rotary's Areas of Focus which are: Basic Education and Literacy; Disease Prevention and Treatment; Economic and Community Development; Maternal and Child Health; Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution; and Water and Sanitation. You can read more about each of these areas below.
Basic Education and Literacy Guidelines for Global Grant Funding (PDF)
Disease Prevention and Treatment Guidelines for Global Grant Funding (PDF)
Economic and Community Development Guidelines for Global Grant Funding (PDF)
Maternal and Child Health Guidelines for Global Grant Funding (PDF)
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Guidelines for Global Grant Funding (PDF)
Water and Sanitation Guidelines for Global Grant Funding (PDF)
Interested in joining Rotary?
Click here to download an application. Call us at (209) 867-7258 to find a sponsor or email the form to lodirotaryclub@gmail.com.
Some one will get back to you within 24 hours.
Water Projects
Shelter Box Project 2019

Past President Michael,
Congratulations on receiving ShelterBox HERO recognition for Rotary Year 2019-2020.
Your support is very much appreciated. Attached you will find a pdf of your certificate and several digital images to use on your club website and social media outlets.
Your club is listed on our HERO page www.shelterboxusa.org/hero
1.6 million people have been sheltered since 2000, we could not have reached them without clubs like yours.
COVID 19 has not stopped our efforts, your help has provided aid to over 87,000 people so far in 2020.
Thank you for being a ShelterBox HERO!
ShelterBox USA
Bill Tobin
Rotary Relations Manager
m: 916.616.6973
w: www.shelterboxusa.org
Needham School
Bob, Chris and (the master builder) built, filled and delivered the completed rolling planter to Needham School. Thanks to Bob the master gardener and Chris the soil master and giver of soil the children will enjoy learning about gardening firsthand.

Inaugural Turkey Trot
Loel Center
On November 13, 2017, the Lodi Rotary Club and the San Joaquin Master Gardeners cooperated to assist the Life skills Class at Jim Elliot High School plant a garden. Chef James Williams lead the group along with Bob Slayback, Rotarian & Master Gardener. Plants were donated by Bonnie Plants. Raised planters were built out of wood that was salvaged from portable buildings that were torn down.
Boxes were packed and delivered to Lodi Shut-Ins on Labor Day. The next shipment will be for Halloween. Melanie Toutai will be heading up this effort and providing ideas to us for things to be donated.

Ebeneezer Orphanage
Funds have been collected for Jeni Elson's Ebeneezer Orphanage in Ethiopia. Approximately, $1600 went with Jeni in the form of clothes, shoes, and cash.

Jim Elliot Garden