Monthly Meetings Highlights
April 12, 2018
Our April 12 meeting was jam-packed with activities. We had a new member join our Satellite club (Sue Camper, who works for Farmers and Merchants Bank.). Sue joined Rotary because she wants to contribute to her community and is standing on the left, Kirk and Katie McCue to the right.
And our very own Phil Lenser received his Paul Harris plus 7 award from Joe Cotta. We also found out that Phil had been a Cobra pilot in the miltary, who would have thunk he was a warrior:-)
We had several guests - Sandra Vargas and Silvia Caracosa from the Central Valley Arts and Culture organization. Click here to see a performance done for the Love Lodi 2018 event. You can contact them at (209) 810-8493, or
We also had several of our Satellite club members (Sue Camper, Ty Kneeland, Ross Vilinskas and Katie McCue) give us an update on their Color Run fundraiser.
Dan Ingrum brought his wife and John Bates a Rotary Club President visited as a guest of Bob Slayback.
We always try to sing a song in addition to our prayer and pledge of the allegiance to the flag. We were horrible at singing "were in the money". The lyrics are below, click on the lyrics and you canhear how good we sounded.