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Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) San Joaquin County

At our meeting on September 27, 2018, we had a presentation on the CASA program from Trinidad Newcomb, Director, and CASA Coordinator, Beth Lambdin. Click here to watch Trinidad and Beth describe the program.

CASAs can make a difference in the lives of foster children.  CASAs advocate for the foster child and represent the child in Juvenile Court.  They get a thorough background, and under go training so that they can represent the child effective.

They shared with us some staggering statistics about foster children.

Only 5% of the foster children in San Joaquin Co have CASAs.

Foster home statistics:

15% receive food stamps, 38% have an income at or below the National Poverty level, 48% pay more than the recommended amount for housing, the average annual income is $20,000, 10% receive public housing assistance.

Children leaving the system:

50% of the children do not graduate from high school, 2% have a drivers license, 4% receive a college degree, 25% are homeless within 4 years of leaving the system, 71% of the girls become pregnant, 50% are unemployed at age of 24, 33% are males, 75% are females relying on government assistance for basic needs.


The Lodi Rotary Club - Established 1921

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